The Outside Space
The Haven is blessed with a sunny but fully-enclosed back garden. You walk out the kitchen door and follow the path between the walls - turn right, then left and up a few stone steps to the lawn.
When you sit in the garden, you will realise that you are sitting behind next door, and that next door's garden is behind the house next to them, and so on... To get to the Square from our back garden, you go through a (locked) gate across next door's garden. Apparently, this very bizarre arrangement dates from a card game, or perhaps a series of card games, many many years ago when clearly back gardens were put up as wagers!
Despite this, the garden is a tranquil little spot, the only noise being the doves from a nearby dovecot and the church bells on Thursday night (bell ringing practice) and Sunday morning. It is genuinely enclosed with dog-proof fencing; we have a Working Cocker who has never managed to escape.
We also have two stone outbuildings (attached to next door but belonging to us!?): one houses all the bins and recycling, the other has the BBQ and some beach equipment (feel free to make use of anything you find in there).
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